Friday, 31 December 2010

Happy New year!

After what seems an extra, extra busy Christmas, we are rushing headlong into a New Year!

We are not as a family good at staying up late, partying the year in, but we are already excited about what it will bring us all.

After big changes this year work and family life combine with our choice to home-educate so that we are able to plan our whole life to suit us and for that we feel very lucky. We hope we can continue to mix all aspects of our life in our own crazy way! Supporting, encouraging, working, playing, learning and laughing together.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Pics of the preparations and Art work

Make, make, make!

Artwork inspired by Giacometti, Andy Goldsworthy, jewellery designer Kleshna and loads more!

Crazy busy days!

We have had and are about to have some busy, busy days. All in the name of friends, family and fun leading up to Christmas. We are of course looking forward to it all. But the preparations continue, and each time I strike a name off the list another one seems to add itself, no idea how its happening!

Note to self, start earlier next year!!!

In addition to all this the kids have had end of term concerts and art club exhibitions which we have enjoyed very much and so have they. They have grown in confidence over this last year performing happily in front of an audience. David had his first ever guitar performance this saturday and was rocking the stage with his band!

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Blogging on the go......

Thought I'd try and be flash in an effort to keep on top of everything, including this, and have a go blogging from my phone!

I feel a bit like I am swimming in mud trying to keep on top at the moment! Soooo much I want to do and so little time. I feel grumpy when thing interfere with my hastily arranged schedules. Why would I want to go to our lovely home ed group when I have washing to sort, dogs to walk, presents to wrap and buy, floors to clean, lights to untangle and most of gifts still to crochet and sew!!!

But we did, go that is, and the kids have had fun. They've played and made and rehearsed with friends. I've chatted and laughed and relaxed, and all is good. The washing'll wait, the dogs can walk with us to beavers and Thursday night is easy tea night and I've crocheted 10 cm more since we got home. As is the Phillips way, we'll wing it and it'll all come good in the end!

Friday, 3 December 2010

Snowy, Wintry, Christmasy - Yay!

It seems the snow the snow has crept into our home as well as our garden. paper snowflakes are beginning to adorn every available surface, with the cutouts falling to the floor like multi coloured snow.

Hands big and small are busy crafting and making and planning. And Christmas music wakes me most mornings.
It's really wonderful and has got us all into the festive spirit early this year. I think the planning has certainly helped me feel it. Knowing how many days I have left to crochet and sew, cook and craft has me really excited. I'm ready to put up the decorations, I have given up pushing any sort of "work" the kids way in favour of sitting and making and chatting while we create away.

And I love, love , love that we can do it!

Snow and friends.

What could be more fun?
When you're a home educated kid every snowy day is a "snow day" !!!!

Wednesday, 1 December 2010


Hmmm, think I may haves jinxed myself by posting about all the lovely things and the weekly ideas.
The conversation went a little bit like this......

Me " So shall we look at coats of arms this week then Will?
William "what?"
Me "well we brought that book and you put it on the board as something you'd like to learn about"
William "yeah, but, I don't want to dooo anything about it, I just like the book"
Me "oh"

Ah, yes I forgot they they can completely turn their noses up at something they seemed so keen on just a few days earlier and no amount of cajoling can undo it. And then we're out of the swing of it. Days pass and nobody mentions a "topic". Yes stuff gets done, kind of, but the rhythm has gone and it's so bloomin' hard to find again. And you can't argue when you find a six year old doing work books at 6pm or brothers challenging each other to spelling tests for fun!!! Yes for fun.

Heaven forbid I suggest anything like that though!