Hmmm, think I may haves jinxed myself by posting about all the lovely things and the weekly ideas.
The conversation went a little bit like this......
Me " So shall we look at coats of arms this week then Will?
William "what?"
Me "well we brought that book and you put it on the board as something you'd like to learn about"
William "yeah, but, I don't want to dooo anything about it, I just like the book"
Me "oh"
Ah, yes I forgot they they can completely turn their noses up at something they seemed so keen on just a few days earlier and no amount of cajoling can undo it. And then we're out of the swing of it. Days pass and nobody mentions a "topic". Yes stuff gets done, kind of, but the rhythm has gone and it's so bloomin' hard to find again. And you can't argue when you find a six year old doing work books at 6pm or brothers challenging each other to spelling tests for fun!!! Yes for fun.
Heaven forbid I suggest anything like that though!