Thursday, 28 April 2011

Foxton Locks.

A balmy April evening, only two children in tow! Weird and wonderful!

Wednesday, 27 April 2011

Easter Sunday

Sun, family and big meals!!

When the sun was shining our back garden was the best place to be!
A pool (I have upgraded from the pink trug), a mown lawn and plenty of chocolate (the dog didn't eat it all)  Throw in some grandparents and a fabulous weekend was had by all!
The 3rd BBQ of the year with Tall Grandma and Easter Sunday dinner al fresco to celebrate Granddads birthday.

Now we just need to hold on to those lovely sunny memories until it comes back again!

Ellie and Koray

Granddad teaching Mia to waltz

Trampolining gymnastics

Grandma needs to hold on to her trousers

Preparing dinner for 10

Short Grandmas famous passion fruit bomb!

snuggling as the sun goes down

Tuesday, 26 April 2011

And today it's grey!

And cold.
And dull.
And I am totally lacking the get up and go to do anything!

We have pottered and tidied the little things that have been slightly neglected while we've played in the sun. But inspiration for anything else is just not happening. I can feel the little gremlins of guilt grumbling inside me.

Playing happily the children are oblivious. Playing happily, how dare they!!! Occupying their time in various ways that in my current state of mind I cannot conceive of being educational. But include singing practice, playing with ponies, playdough, drawing, imaginitive roleplaying games and trampolining.

Ah yes, I think it must be me. I am the parent who is choosing to autonomously home educate four very different children. Must remember that. And maybe make myself a nice cup of tea to warm up.

Friday, 22 April 2011

:: This Moment ::

A special picture from the week. Inspired by

Thursday, 21 April 2011

Tie Dye

What could be more lovely on a warm sunny day than a shared lunch and a bit of tie dye fun with friends!

Playing with colour and technique the children had a fabulous time and today are sporting a rainbow of coloured tops that they love!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

This 'n' That

But mostly enjoying the sunshine!

We have been gardening some more.

Veg bed No1
We have been finishing some art projects.

A bit of science masquerading as water play!

BBQ-ing and eating breakfast, lunch and dinner outside.

Life feels good when the sun is shining!

Friday, 15 April 2011

This Moment

A single photo, a special image. Smiling siblings!

Thursday, 14 April 2011

Money Money Money

As a tool for life and as a tool for learning!

Along with maps, money has been taking up chunks of Mias time. Counting, piling and sorting. Thinking about what she could buy, scouring the house for more, researching the internet for the best price!

sorting her stash

Understanding dates

Prom dress optional
Oliver got roped in this morning, and they were looking for dates and the changes on the coins ovcer the years. The earliest found was from 1979, prompting discussions on birthdays, how to read the dates and say them, the Queen and who will be King, who was the King before. Why are some things written in normal numbers and some in roman numerals. All done before 9.30 in PJ's and the sparkliest dress in the world, in the "holidays" too!!!

I am sure they didn't think they were learning, they played and chatted until they were done. They've just come back again while I sit and are deciding how they should stack them and count them again. Sadly it still comes to £2.30, they were hoping for more. Now we need to get dressed go to the post office and ask them about money bags and cashing lots of 2p's and 1p's apparently.

Wednesday, 13 April 2011

Weekend of work

A weekend of work well done! Clearing the garden, sorting the chickens (and giving them a bit of extra love Mia style) as well as art group and rehearsals. But while the sun was shining and the kids were willing the work felt good. Next on the garden list sorting, planning and sowing the veggies and fruit we would like. But not courgettes apparently!

Tuesday, 12 April 2011


Lemon curd, homemade, the best thing ever!

Why have we never done this before? Quicker and easier than jam, filling the house with a wonderful lemony smell. Teamed with warm homemade soda bread (also ridiculously quick!) best breakfast/lunch/tea ever!

Monday, 11 April 2011


Drawing our dog walking route
Mia is map obsessed at the moment. They are everywhere, drawn by her, to all her favourite places. At the moment she is happy with her trailing lines and all her little drawings of the places along the way. Her brothers are not! And are taking over role of home education facilitating officer and telling her how its done. Showing her examples, telling her about keys and scale! Then they look at the maps on the wall, get out atlases and roadmaps. Brilliant. Happy me, happy them, learning at their own pace and level all by themselves. Job done!

Monday, 4 April 2011

A performance whirlwind

We have been on performance overdrive recently with the final show this Saturday evening. The nerves have been frayed and excitement levels through the roof and we have enjoyed it all! We are so proud of the fact that they choose to get out there and try their hardest even when they are really nervous, that they love the journey as much as the performance and that they have found various niches into which they fit so wonderfully.  They have all come away with an amazing sense of achievement from the parts they have played in group ensembles and their solo efforts.

{insert performance video that blogger couldn't upload!}

We are now  in rehearsal overdrive in the run up to the big "Disney Dazzle" spectacular in June, with extra performances for at the centre celebration and drama celebration thrown in along the way. Bring on the sequins!!!