Thursday, 26 January 2012

Photo montage

In an effort to lighten the tone and report on the educational goings on round these parts I offer a photo montage of positive educational effort.

Well, maybe.
I've snuck up on them and snapped as quickly as I could before they spot me and get in a grump!

Quietly looking and sharing together
love moments like this
Practicing lines for their production of "The Boyfriend" 
At least they're laughing, right?
History spot (like wheres wally with extra history!)
Fab new book (lovely surprise gift)
Library visit (8 books on this trip for Will)
Sharing a DVD and heres the thing, its Tangled a new fave and they have been looking at the animation, storyline and sort of stories, heroines etc disney goes for. Brill! 
"Get outside and run around will you" also known as P.E

Wednesday, 25 January 2012


An internal monologue brought to the screen so I may further twist myself in little knots. Probably brought on by my snot filled head cold and lack of motivation, combined with my children's lack of visual proof that they learn daily and that I am actually fulfilling my role of providing them with an education suitable for their age and ability.

It's good to work through these things and as this blog is primarily for me (and the home ed checker upper who may or may not ever appear) feel free to go away again while I do this and come back another day to see pictures of them being busy and educated and stuff.

Me: Blimey I'm not sure they're doing anything.

Me: well make them then.

Me: well, that's not really the point is it?

What's the point then?

Well, to encourage their talents. Let them learn in different ways. Help them with the basics so they can access everything they could want. Provide different opportunities to learn and from different people.

Are they not doing that then?
Hmm, yes.
Well, okay then.
They're not writing it down. There's no workbooks filled in or essays written.

What's more important?

So here it is. Their days follow like this at the moment. In age order.

Get up very late. Play guitar, read, write poetry, write musical, write music, maybe do some maths, watch films or every type, help out a bit, maybe walk dogs, have in depth discussions about anything & everything.

Get up. Read, read, read, play, practice violin, learn two languages, read, draw, write, play, walk, cycle, blog.

Get up (often woken by above) watch tv, jump around a lot, eat, play, whittle, build, plan, sneak computer play of any type, check chickens several times, attack with swords, throw ball, run, play, cuddle, read.

Get up first, eat little and often, draw, draw, craft, draw, play, read, write letters, cut stuff up, leave paper trails, practice instruments.

Okay, so that's interesting, right?

Yes, And I could add more, things keep popping in my head. Line learning, map reading, board games, I really could go on and on.
So why the wobble?
Why indeed (still will though from time to time)

Oh and one picture, playing draughts together. Cute, huh?

Monday, 16 January 2012


We were lucky to have the Victorian descendents of our previous Viking guests at iFlow on Thursday. They are really fabulous at what they do, funny and engaging. Kids and adults love them and of course it's always great to turn up and let someone else lead the show!

For a group of home-ed kids, only some of whom have been to school it was interesting to watch them experience how school was for children then but also make the connection about how school has and hasn't changed now. Technology was a big talking point but even with all our advances they couldn't help but notice how some things stay the same.

For us it has meant chatting with the older kids about why some aspects are still needed when running a school or class. Lining up, being quiet, having set times and set learning. We try not to school bash as a rule! This is our choice and it's positive for us. But it is always an interesting debate.

The afternoon was filled with objects from Victorian life and it was clear for all to see that this is where home life has changed considerably more than school life for families and children now. Although they loved half an hour washing by hand and using a mangle I'm sure they would not like helping with a weekly wash! And it has made them think about why we still have things like children in need or news round has reports on child poverty.

After all children don't have to leave school at 11 and have an awful job. People have access to healthcare and benefits. And although these are sad truths they are learning and thinking about hopefully they have a greater understanding of not just Victorian life but our modern one too.

Friday, 13 January 2012

{this moment}

A single photo, no words capturing a special moment from our week, as inspired by

Monday, 9 January 2012

Tools for the job

Today it's the game Bananagrams. Well, It's also instruments, books, paper, computers and so the list goes on.

Finding the right tools for the right child is an ongoing search. I've bought whole sets of reading books only to have them completely dismissed and barely looked at. While our tatty, old, tiny collection of ladybird books have been added to with a few new ones and helped the learning to read process just because they were so loved and enjoyed. A chemistry set sat gathering dust for months until someone remembered and then hasn't stopped wanting to use it. Workbooks get poopoohed and poured over in equal measure.

Today something worked for two out of four children, well until the twelve year old was beaten by the seven year old. Then it was not so good. But hey we had fun playing right up until the last tile. And even that was interesting to watch, the seven year old had help the twelve year old had none. They came at the game from different angles and I think they both learned something. Mainly that quetzal may be a fantastic way of using up your letters but pig and dig will get rig of them faster. And we all know what a quetzal is now too!

Friday, 6 January 2012

No {this moment} but, "at this moment"

I sometimes join in with {this moment} via It's great, have a look. A simple reflective look at your life or someone else's that week, a little snippet of happiness or chaos, one photo- no words.

Instead you have my post, an "at this moment".

"at this moment" there is shouting and stamping and throwing. Unkind and cross words. There is resentment and dissatisfaction and retaliation.

Some days are like these. It's not all roses. I like to paint a pretty picture. All positive progress, a record that casts a glowing light on our life and choices. But today is not a candid, softly lit shot of kids learning, playing or resting happily. And sometimes it's good and honest to report that too.

It's has not and will not be WW3 all day long but my mediation skills are being thoroughly tested. At one point I tried and failed to resolve conflict, retreated when both parties had been safely separated and listened to the war raging through the plaster board and ceiling.

One party is prepared to surrender and has made positive efforts towards a peaceful resolution the other is maintaining their "I wish you were dead" stance. A third party was obviously feeling left out of the fight as when the peace seeking party encroached on their turf they were chewed out for no apparent or reasonable reason I can see.

Perhaps they're hungry, I shall try a council of war over some leftover macaroni cheese. Terms have been mentioned. Making jelly features highly. Wish me luck!

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

I'm not feeling it, but maybe they are!

So telly rules apply today. Boy am I regretting that one! The wind is blowing a gale, the chickens are venturing out only for food, cats are holed up in cosy corners around the house and Chester is the only one up for a walk.

But signs of educational activity are beginning once more, without my help and without the easy option of gluing themselves to a screen, projects are being picked up again.

I would like the easy option today, my offers of curling up while I read some Harry Potter or a new book are being pushed aside and help is required getting out acrylics and planning lists for science experiments. A new book about art and design is being poured over in the hope of gaining an insight into how to prepare a portfolio and online research into trips is being conducted.

I have also just been to a very fine art exhibition, quite local (just upstairs actually), a new artist but very promising. So while I may still have my head in a Christmas filled fog, it seems they do not!

Science inspiration plopped through the door
Art inspiration was had along with breakfast
And applied
A new  knitting project started (one of three!)

Monday, 2 January 2012

Oh yeah, new year. New plan?

So, it is a new year.
And we are meant to be full of resolutions and goals for the coming year.

Hmmm, right.
You're going to need to leave that with me for a bit.

Okay, I've got one! Today I told the kids that's this is the last day of blanket T.V watching and that they need to actually get dressed and stuff.

The truth is we have not yet had the chance to talk about our goals and hopes. I've got ideas though, beginning to bubble away inside this quietly awakening brain. I hope that they will too. Musing about theatre trips and wanderings around gallery's.

For now, while we begin to think and our brains return from their holiday slumber, getting up and dressed seems like a plan. We shall cook, walk, read and chat together and take our time, after all we have the whole year ahead of us.