An internal monologue brought to the screen so I may further twist myself in little knots. Probably brought on by my snot filled head cold and lack of motivation, combined with my children's lack of visual proof that they learn daily and that I am actually fulfilling my role of providing them with an education suitable for their age and ability.
It's good to work through these things and as this blog is primarily for me (and the home ed checker upper who may or may not ever appear) feel free to go away again while I do this and come back another day to see pictures of them being busy and educated and stuff.
Me: Blimey I'm not sure they're doing anything.
Me: well make them then.
Me: well, that's not really the point is it?
What's the point then?
Well, to encourage their talents. Let them learn in different ways. Help them with the basics so they can access everything they could want. Provide different opportunities to learn and from different people.
Are they not doing that then?
Hmm, yes.
Well, okay then.
They're not writing it down. There's no workbooks filled in or essays written.
What's more important?
So here it is. Their days follow like this at the moment. In age order.
Get up very late. Play guitar, read, write poetry, write musical, write music, maybe do some maths, watch films or every type, help out a bit, maybe walk dogs, have in depth discussions about anything & everything.
Get up. Read, read, read, play, practice violin, learn two languages, read, draw, write, play, walk, cycle, blog.
Get up (often woken by above) watch tv, jump around a lot, eat, play, whittle, build, plan, sneak computer play of any type, check chickens several times, attack with swords, throw ball, run, play, cuddle, read.
Get up first, eat little and often, draw, draw, craft, draw, play, read, write letters, cut stuff up, leave paper trails, practice instruments.
Okay, so that's interesting, right?
Yes, And I could add more, things keep popping in my head. Line learning, map reading, board games, I really could go on and on.
So why the wobble?
Why indeed (still will though from time to time)
Oh and one picture, playing draughts together. Cute, huh?