He's not been worried a bit. Not at all, no way!
But his Mummy was and his Daddy.
And probably his Grandma's and Granddad's.
Definitely his Uncky!!!
His other Aunts and Uncles wondered too.
But a certain little boy was not interested in reading since coming away from school. And it took a lot of effort on the part of those who love him to let him be. To watch quietly, hold tongues or sneakily offer suggestions. Try this or that, you'd love so and so.
And now.................
Because he wants to! |
Not forced, cajoled, coerced or compelled. Slowly at first, finding his own tastes he now wants to be doing this above all things. At times, when I feel worried and struggle to trust in our childrens desire and ability to learn. When I feel the urge to push and compare, these wonderful things happen and I feel once again secure in my own instincts. A once very unhappy little boy, with seemingly no desire to pick up a book for pleasure again could be found walking through town guitar on his back narrowly missing lamp posts as his nose was buried in adventure.
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