Tuesday 1 March 2011

We are mooching.

Mooching around, lazing, generally moping about with not a lot of enthusiasm.

I'm not really sure why.

I know things are still going on around me. Books have been got out and left around in piles suggesting someone has looked at them. Music has been heard coming from various instruments suggesting they are being practiced. Pens and pencils are littering the table suggesting someone may have been drawing or writing, but all that has been required of me the last couple of days have odd smuggles and stories or Requests for DVD's. And replies to my questions of "what are you doing, can I help with anything?" that mostly take the form of "no, we're just playing/dancing/looking for something".

Is there a stealth educational revolution happening behind my back? Or are they just mooching too? Maybe a bit of both! Because I'm not pushing are they just doing? I know I've had some interesting conversations about the history of numbers with a child and talked art styles and techniques with another!!! And that same child seems to be undertaking a project of their own making and working on it at various times of the day and night.

Perhaps I shall carry on with my own stealth educational revolution. Drink tea, crochet, feed those who request to be fed, decipher hard words when asked and shut up the rest of the time.

It seems to be working for this week at least!

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