Tuesday 28 June 2011

Finding inspiration...

...And running with it.

It is hard sometimes.
Well, just everything sometimes!

Keeping momentum, keeping encouraging, keeping from being a deranged harridan.
Not that this is an "argh, everything is too bloomin' tough, give me a cup of tea and let me have a lie down" moment. Just that it is a bit tricky.

Pounce on something with too much enthusiasm and you scare them off. Let them get on with it by ignoring them and they play pokemon allllllll day. How much is too autonomous? To a true autonomously home ed-ing family that is of course an oxymoron. But I guess thats the trouble. Wanting it and letting it actually happen are two different things. So we tread a fine line, a little dance, letting them  choose whilst guiding them. Not pushing them to pick up one of those reading books you thought would be ace but they barely looked at when they came, but spotting and being there to help when they do. Not putting them off when they want to build or experiment even though you have just started making tea.

And so today I am all ready to pounce upon an idea mentioned in passing, an inspired idea and something that could grow. But, this time I shall take it slow. We shall walk with it and see how far it goes, I am then surely much less likely to trip and fall flat n my face.

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