Monday 14 May 2012

Monday Morning

The house is quiet. One of us gone off to work, a couple of littles up and pottering. The two bigs asleep in bed teenagery hormones dictating their sleeping rythmns. And as I think about getting up and organised someone hops into my bed and starts playing with my iPad.

It all makes me think about how different our life is from how it used to be. And I feel very grateful that we have been able to make this decision and that it works for our family. I hear cars going off, a loud beep off an impatient parent waiting in a car. And look down at my little companion making cartoons and choosing the music to go with her pictures. I smile.

In many ways i think we must look like a crazy version of a Judith Kerr picture book to lots of people. We are a mummy and daddy! Even to our 20yr old daughter (I'm not sure how that happened). Daddy goes out to work and Mummy stays at home cooks, cleans and home educates the children.

Of course nothing is that simple. I rarely clean for starters. And we run our own company which means its most often Daddy that has to get up and get out of the house. There are days where he is the one working in bed having just read a story to someone with another doing something alongside him. They know that I also have work to do and sometimes we all sit together or we have a meeting at our home.

When the niggles of worry about examples of good behaviour and modelling and suchlike pop into my head (especially when still lying in bed!) I remember that we are encouraging our children to follow their dreams, passions and interests. That there are days when we all have to be up and out of the house early and ready for a long day, but there are others when you can relax. Where you can absolutely work in your PJ's, all day long if you want to. That nearly everyday can be different and when you want something you work hard to achieve it no matter how tough it feels at the time. Like playing your instrument and the same piece over and over to pass an exam or cracking telling the time so you can play out with friends.

That's a pretty good message to give and an excellent start to a Monday morning. So thats my message from bed kids, writing and French practice has been happening here. That's not lazy, right!!!

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