Sunday 4 September 2011

Fighting the urge.

They're going back to school.

Not my kids but everyone else's. Being put in new year groups, moving to big school and all sorts of other measurable milestones that mine are not. And I am fighting the urge to "do". To impose and organise, to structure and timetable. I am fighting the urge to splurge on workbooks, gadgets and gizmos.

I know this does not work for us. But knowing this doesn't always quiet the crazy conformist in my head!

We provide "stuff" of course, stationary, books, paints, glue, animation software! And time, time to ask questions, to sleep or play, to be quiet, angry or busy. We pay for lessons, drive to places of interest and nurture skills.

I know all of this.
But still .........

And so, I shall keep fighting the urge. I shall keep trusting their ability to learn by whatever strange and unusual method seems to be working this month but maybe not next. Because, you can learn to read by osmosis and shout out answers to math questions you weren't asked when you proclaim to hate maths and play guitar for hours a day but still make intelligent conversation with adults and dress up when other people would tell you to stop and grow up.

I shall remember these things when I worry and begin to compare. And I will go out in the coming days and be thankful for the quiet parks, libraries and museums. And take photos like a crazy woman (oh, how they laugh at me) in case someone, somewhen needs photographic* evidence that my children learn stuff and go places!

*not in this post though. As this was a verbal, get the crazy out of my head, post.

- Posted using BlogPress, when I should be sleeping.

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