Monday 19 September 2011

Ho hum home

A poorly, tired and grumpy home is not a happy productive home. And it feels like we are all suffering from one of the above at some level. There has been lots of this...

Quiet, leave me alone moments. And lots of "don't know what to do with myself" even though you've given me options and I asked you to print a ton of stuff!

This has resulted in my kitchen table looking like...

This morning and not a child in sight!

It's not all an educational let down, they're just doing things differently. They're making clues for treasure hunts involving riddles and maps and more writing than has been done in a while!

And we had a wonderful, informative and calming visit to our local Buddhist centre with our home Ed group.

They made s shrine and learnt about it purpose, re-enacted Buddhas life story and in a large group of kids ranging in age from 3 to 15, managed a relaxing meditation.

Our trip has resulted in lots of thought and discussion about how we choose to live our lives and how we want to talk to each other. So not all bad!

Must try to see the good in my kitchen table right now. someone writing, a teen up before ten, first aid being practiced and quiet reading.
- Posted using BlogPress, when I had five minutes spare!

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