Sunday 9 January 2011

Sunday Afternoon, A walk and a headache.

We had a lovely late afternoon walk with the dogs up towards the wind turbines near to home, looking at our shadows and dodging all the other dog walkers. The lane was busy today and although Chester would love to play it seems that most other dogs feel he is just too giant a Lab to play with!!! It was crisp, cold and beautiful.

The headache comes from an earlier family conversation about tidying and planning. We want all feel we need a bit of structure to our days and we definitely need to be a bit more organised. But now its come to planning how we do that and my head is pounding! I can get my head around a weekly menu planner, its been fab having everyone more involved in choosing, ordering and cooking. And having an easy place to write down ideas, shopping list items and plan of what we are eating and who is cooking it will work for us. But the specific time for activities and chores and learning is a bit harder to fit into my head. I would like something to help us keep on track but that also goes with our flexible approach to learning. We can factor in rough guides. For instance we have set times for music lessons or rainbows. But setting the same for music practice or reading just isn't making sense to me.

And now I have a big old planning headache!

How do we keep our time and home on track? While still maintaining what we love about home education? Can we have a chore rota? A meal plan? And a day to day activities calendar? I'm really not sure. Between us I'm sure we can work out a path the will suit us the best. But at the moment all I can see is our life contained in little boxes. And all everyone else can see of me is a half a head poking out from the laptop and it has a frown on its face!


  1. Ohhh, Emma. The walk sounds lovely, the planning sucky :-D

    I've given up on this, I spent hours doing planning, making timetables and rotas (rotae?) mainly as a way to soothe my worried soul and shove into other people's faces. But as each and every one turned into a waste of time/battleground I came to the realisation it wasn't helping.

    Also, (tell me to shaddup if you want - meting out so-called wisdom ho ho ho) I thought the kids needed more structure but really - secretly - it was me and they couldn't have given a hoot.

    The thing that has best helped me is doing a lot of unschooling reading, reading about people doing it or kids who've been unschooled and starting to feel like yes-it will work and nobody will be killed in the process!! LOL.

    Anyway, just my 2p feel free to disregard or think I'm mad ;-)


  2. Thanks Becky, I like you're 2ps worth!!!! I think I just need a live in house keeper to do all the other rubbishy stuff that I hate, like cleaning, cooking, washing ironing etc. Can't have that so, maybe just a dishwasher rota! Xxx
