Friday 28 October 2011

The little things.

The season is moving on and although it's still bloomin' hard to drag myself out of bed we are beginning to settle again. Generally life is moving on, things get done and some things don't. Of course it's been raining, the washing piled up and the tumble dryer is dying a slow and painful death. But it's not been the end of the world! The voices in my head have calmed down and I am allowing myself to appreciate all the little things that make our days whole.

Simple things like a word search being completed or maths evolving from reading the numbers on packets. A. Long walk in the field where all manor of topics and ideas are discussed.

Or like yesterday where a by small and simple event happened. Ollie took part in sharing time at our home-ed group. Okay, not ground breaking news? Honestly this was huge! He never, never ever does. It's weird, schooly and quite frankly he'd rather hide than join in. So we don't make him. Sometimes I'll sit somewhere with him and we'll watch, or we'll hide or I will join the others or I will hide out in the kitchen as secretly I don't always like it either!

But yesterday this.......

Joining and sharing. And it made me appreciate again that the littlest things can also be the biggest and most important. I need to hold on to that and carry on do what we are doing. All these little moments of bravery, thoughtfulness, learning and sharing are the biggest part of our home educating journey, of our life.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. A lovely tale that made me smile :) Little things can indeed be very big!
