Wednesday 19 October 2011

Typical home-ed day, week, month? Or just typically us!

I have been thinking about my sparse blogging this past month. Have we been particularly dull? Done nothing? I have I finally purged myself of the need to share the minutiae of our home educating life with the world and therefore the all judgemental voice on my shoulder too?

Umm, no. Definitely not the voice thing! That's still there. And maybe it would be better if I was really on top of the recording what we do, in all it's mundane and tiny glories. Perhaps then the voice would get a bit quieter, seeing the words and photos that show our every days. What is normal, typical and educational. Proof that this is time well spent!

I have not done that. That would be dull! I would like the voice to recognise the piles of paper flooding our house with bits of writing, drawings and plans as proof enough without listing "today so and so did 10 minutes of this and 20 minutes of that!". But
despite my not writing it I think this has been a typical time of home educating life for us. Things have not stopped. Things have not changed. The world around us has. The light and weather has meant cooler days and less trips are organised. And who wants to get up in the dark and cold? Not me for sure!

It's been a time to stop and think, re-evaluate what is working for us. What do we want to be doing in the coming days and weeks as it get colder and darker.

So we've invested in new online resources and bought some new supplies. We are re-discovering old skills and trying out new ones. Planning gifts and makes for the coming season of a crazy amount of birthdays and Christmas with new members of our family.

We are here. At home more now than not. And for now this is typical for us.

(being a ninja, samurai warrior is only typical to one of us but educationally speaking he's been researching a lot about samurai and the photo is cool!)

- Posted using BlogPress surrounded by mess as usual, but also quietly engaged happy kids. Life is good!

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